Digital Transformation for Apparel Design

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End-to-End Digital Transformation

Leveraging true-to-life 3D to transform your full product lifecycle

Fashion companies that embark on a digital design transformation find an unexpected competitive edge. By adopting 3D workflow automation tools, they uncover benefits like faster development cycles, higher quality with lowered costs, and overall process improvement in their workflow. But these advantages are only achieved if they deploy powerful, end-to-end, user-friendly tools.  

Follow along as we talk about what it takes to achieve your own competitive edge through digital transformation. 

End-to-End Partner Ecosystem

The goal of your digital design transformation should be to increase your revenue. But in order to do that, you need to utilize a truly end-to-end solution. Brands and retailers can take advantage of Browzwear’s Open Platform and expanding digital ecosystem of tech partners, from PLM systems and consumer insights to eCommerce capabilities, to build truly end-to-end digital workflows through extensive API integrations. By doing so, you can move from traditional workflows with many disjointed solutions to a unified approach where everything works in concert. 

End-to-End Digital Transformation for the Apparel Business
Get Garments to Market Faster

Get Products to Market Faster  

In today’s marketplace, trends peak quickly. If you are unable to get your products to market fast, you may miss the opportunity to capitalize on them. But, by designing in 3D, you can dramatically reduce the time it takes to go to market. Take designing with digital twins, as an example. With Browzwear’s solutions, all the information accumulated from the digital garment automatically fills a detailed tech pack that is ready for manufacturing. This eliminates wasted hours manually creating them. What’s more, the digital twin also serves as a virtual sample in the sampling process and can be used straight through in your sales, marketing, and e-commerce efforts — all shaving months off your lead times.

Streamline Processes with a Single Solution

3D design solutions in your distributed workforce are crucial now more than ever. These digital tools ensure fluid communication in your design processes and help you to convey design intent more accurately. With Browzwear’s tools, you can streamline workflows by utilizing a single solution rather than multiple, stand-alone products. This creates an environment in which disparate teams remain aligned throughout the entire product lifecycle, from ideation to selling.

Streamline processes with a single 3D solution

“First-time right sampling has become the norm and we rarely have to remake samples due to fit, proportion or styling issues.  This has also meant that we have increased our hit rate from physical samples to orders by over 20% and the fitting process has become much easier.” 

Ellie Kilbey
Head of Product Development | Kidswear
Leverage Digital Twins

Leverage True-to-Life Digital Twins

With Browzwear, you can ensure accuracy by leveraging true-to-life digital twins of your physical garment. Your digital samples will be an exact replica, allowing the garment to be produced in weeks, not months. Why? Using true-to-life 3D eliminates the need for most physical samples, thereby reducing the costs associated with generating colorways and print variants.

Data-Driven Fit Validation 

With Browzwear’s true-to-life fabric digitization, the patterns and fabrics you see on the screen can be trusted and validated digitally before sewing a single seam. The result: Improved product quality through data-driven fit validation and fewer approval iterations to achieve the final product. By designing in 3D, you can eliminate the need for most real-life models and dramatically reduce the time it takes to complete your fit approval process.

Data-Driven Fit Validation
Reduce your environmental impact

Reduce Your Environmental Impact  

The fashion industry produces millions of tons of never-worn, landfill-bound clothing. By eliminating physical samples and their associated costs, you can play your part in reducing the 53 million metric tons of clothing that go straight to landfills each year. What’s more, by digitally transforming your business with Browzwear, you can feel confident in knowing that you are reducing your carbon footprint and using our natural resources responsibly.  

Final Thoughts

Transforming to a digital workflow with Browzwear allows you to enjoy faster, more accurate, and efficient processes from both an environmental and business perspective. Ready to learn more on going digital with Browzwear? Download our eBook for more information!  

Digital Transformation for the Apparel Business

Today’s apparel industry is focused on rapid growth and consumer-centric solutions. This requires digital transformation in design, manufacturing, and e-commerce workflows. But, digital transformation is just not about replacing existing systems with new ones, it’s about rethinking your business model and utilizing technology to revolutionize your day-to-day processes.

Take your first step in discovering how digitizing your apparel workflow can improve your business’ bottom line.  – Download the E-book today!

Digital Transformation for the apparel business